Este libro cuenta una historia de terquedad y rebeldía. La de una niña que a los 12 años decidió escribir su destino y, de paso, ayudar a miles y miles de mexicanas a cambiar su suerte Soy Eufrosina Cruz y nací en la montaña zapoteca. A los 27 años gané la presidencia de mi pueblo, pero no me dejaron gobernar porque era mujer. En ese momento supe que, para cambiar mi vida y la de las mujeres indígenas, debía transformar la ley más importante de mi país. Desde entonces, mi lucha ha sido para que los pueblos indígenas y afro no sean considerados menores de edad y para que las mujeres no sean personas de segunda. En este viaje he logrado modificar la Constitución de mi estado, cambiar la Constitución de México y que la ONU adoptara mi iniciativa contra el sexismo y la discriminación. Pero lo que más me enorgullece es que he podido decirles a las niñas que tienen derecho a ser quienes quieran, a que su origen no defina su destino y a que pueden cumplir sus sueños, tal como lo hizo esta niña de las montañas. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION This book tells a story of stubbornness and rebellion. That of a girl who, at the age of 12 decided to write her own destiny and, incidentally, help thousands and thousands of Mexican women to change their fate. I am Eufrosina Cruz and I was born in the Zapotec mountains. At the age of 27, I won the presidency of my town, but I was not allowed to govern because I was a woman. At that moment I knew that to change my life and the lives of indigenous women, I had to transform the most important law in my country. Since then, my fight has been so that indigenous and Afro people are not considered less-than, and so that women are not considered second-class citizens. On this journey I have succeeded at modifying the Constitution of my state, changing Mexico’s Constitution, and I have succeeded with the UN adopting my initiative against sexism and discrimination. But what makes me most proud is that I have been able to tell girls that they have the right to be who they want to be, that their origin does not define their destiny, and that they can fulfill their dreams, just as this girl from the mountains did.
Este libro cuenta una historia de terquedad y rebeldía. La de una niña que a los 12 años decidió escribir su destino y, de paso, ayudar a miles y miles de mexicanas a cambiar su suerte Soy Eufrosina Cruz y nací en la montaña zapoteca. A los 27 años gané la presidencia de mi pueblo, pero no me dejaron gobernar porque era mujer. En ese momento supe que, para cambiar mi vida y la de las mujeres indígenas, debía transformar la ley más importante de mi país. Desde entonces, mi lucha ha sido para que los pueblos indígenas y afro no sean considerados menores de edad y para que las mujeres no sean personas de segunda. En este viaje he logrado modificar la Constitución de mi estado, cambiar la Constitución de México y que la ONU adoptara mi iniciativa contra el sexismo y la discriminación. Pero lo que más me enorgullece es que he podido decirles a las niñas que tienen derecho a ser quienes quieran, a que su origen no defina su destino y a que pueden cumplir sus sueños, tal como lo hizo esta niña de las montañas. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION This book tells a story of stubbornness and rebellion. That of a girl who, at the age of 12 decided to write her own destiny and, incidentally, help thousands and thousands of Mexican women to change their fate. I am Eufrosina Cruz and I was born in the Zapotec mountains. At the age of 27, I won the presidency of my town, but I was not allowed to govern because I was a woman. At that moment I knew that to change my life and the lives of indigenous women, I had to transform the most important law in my country. Since then, my fight has been so that indigenous and Afro people are not considered less-than, and so that women are not considered second-class citizens. On this journey I have succeeded at modifying the Constitution of my state, changing Mexico’s Constitution, and I have succeeded with the UN adopting my initiative against sexism and discrimination. But what makes me most proud is that I have been able to tell girls that they have the right to be who they want to be, that their origin does not define their destiny, and that they can fulfill their dreams, just as this girl from the mountains did.